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پخش آنلاین اهنگ Simple Life از Jake Miller


دانلود آهنگ Simple Life از Jake Miller

می توانید آهنگ «Simple Life» را با صدای Jake Miller از پاپ ملودی دانلود کنید.

در این ساعت آهنگ «Simple Life» از Jake Miller را برای شما عزیزان آماده کرده ایم که می توانید با دو کیفیت 128 و 320 از پاپ ملودی دریافت کنید، همچنین قابلیت پخش آنلاین هم برای این آهنگ مهیا شده. امیدوارم که از شنیدن آهنگ Simple Life لذت ببرید. از همراهی شما با پاپ ملودی بسیار خوشحالیم

دانلود آهنگ Jake Miller Simple Life

نام خواننده: Jake Miller
نام آهنگ: Simple Life

متن کامل آهنگ Simple Life از Jake Miller

At seven o'clock tonight we will be out of the country
And you'll never see us again
Ever since I was 18
I had this vision in my head
Thought maybe I could start a new life
Go become a pop star
I packed my shit and left
Yeah, ever since I was 18
I wanted to be something more
I wanted fortune and the fame
And the world to know my name
But now I'm not so sure
Cause ever since you came into my life
You changed my mind
And all I wanna do
Is leave the world I know behind
Say goodbye
And run away with you
So can we find a private island
Fall in love in peacе and quiet
Just you and I
I wanna live, wanna live, wanna livе
Somewhere in a little cabin
Far away from all distractions
Just you and I
I wanna live, wanna live, wanna live a simple life
Simple life
Ever since I was 18
Feel like my heart has been at war
Thought I would look more like a star
If I went and bought a car
With some suicide doors (so stupid)
But now I'm far from 18
Maybe I'm just growing up
I used to want the type of life
You can't even go outside
But now that sounds like it sucks
So can we find a private island
Fall in love in peace and quiet
Just you and I
I wanna live, wanna live, wanna live
Somewhere in a little cabin
Far away from all distractions
Just you and I
I wanna live, wanna live, wanna live a simple life
Simple life
And all the things that I was after
Suddenly don't matter
When I look in your eyes
So can we find a private island
Fall in love in peace and quiet
Just you and I
I wanna live, wanna live wanna live
Somewhere in a little cabin
Far away from all distractions
Just you and I
I wanna live, wanna live, wanna live a simple life
Simple life
Simple life
Simple life
Ever since I was 18
I had this vision in my head
Thought maybe I could start a new life
Go become a pop star
I packed my shit and left
اطلاعات آهنگ
خواننده موزیک
سبک آهنگ آهنگ خارجی
نام آهنگ Simple Life
کیفیت موسیقی MP3 320
منتشر شده از پاپ ملودی


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